Your body goes through countless changes as you age. Wrinkles, gray hair, sun damage and loss of volume in your face are some of the most noticeable signs of time’s passage, but not every age-related change is visible. Your body also undergoes profound internal changes, some of which can have an unwelcome impact. Millions of women struggle with issues like vaginal laxity, bladder leakage, pain during intercourse and diminished sexual desire as they grow older. 

If you are experiencing any of these issues, book in for a consultation at LaBeauty Medispa to learn about your treatment options.

How Might a Woman’s Intimate Health Change Over Time?

With age, a woman’s vaginal tissues may lose their elasticity and muscle tone, and the vaginal walls may become thinner. She may also produce less natural lubrication and experience reduced blood flow to the vaginal area.

In addition to these changes related to the natural ageing process, major events in a woman’s life can affect her vaginal tissues and sexual wellness.

Childbirth stretches the vaginal canal and the surrounding tissues, sometimes irreversibly. This stretching may lead to changes in sexual function, such as reduced sexual sensation and difficulty reaching orgasm. Vaginal laxity can also contribute to the involuntary leakage of urine while sneezing, coughing, laughing, exercising or performing other physical activities.

Menopause decreases levels of oestrogen in the body. Women with low oestrogen may experience thinning, drying and inflammation of the vaginal walls, leading to difficulty with lubrication and painful intercourse. Life events (such as breastfeeding) and medical events (such as hysterectomy and chemotherapy) can also reduce oestrogen production.

Our Women’s Health Treatments


The O-Shot is a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment intended for female sexual enhancement and stress urinary incontinence. Utilising natural materials taken from your own body, the O-Shot aims to stimulate the production of healthier, more functional tissue in areas of the vagina and vulva. 


Women interested in the O-Shot may be experiencing:

  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Painful intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • Decreased lubrication
  • Reduced sexual arousal or sensation
  • Difficulty reaching orgasm

The O-Shot is not recommended for women who are pregnant, nursing or trying to become pregnant, or for women who have current infections, sexual health issues or severe allergies.


No treatment is without the risk of side effects or complications. The potential adverse effects of the O-Shot include:

  • Injection site reactions (bruising, numbness, swelling, pain)
  • Blood spotting
  • Infection
  • Allergic reaction to local anaesthetic
  • A sensation of vaginal “fullness”
  • Unpleasant increased vaginal sensitivity


The treatment takes an hour or less to perform. A small blood sample is taken and placed in a specially designed centrifuge, where it is processed to prepare the PRP. The PRP is then administered into targeted areas of the vagina and vulva using a very thin needle. Some women feel a slight pinching sensation. The areas will be numbed with local anaesthesia before the injections to improve your comfort level.


No downtime is required after receiving the O-Shot. You can drive yourself home from the procedure and normal sensation will return once the anaesthetic has worn off. You may experience swelling, other injection site reactions and increased sensitivity in the injected area initially. These effects typically subside within a few days. 

You can resume your regular daily activities, including exercise and sexual intercourse, within 24-48 hours. Our team at LaBeauty Medispa will be available to address any questions or concerns you may have after your appointment.


The results of the procedure develop gradually. Most patients reach full results within three to six months as the treated tissues repair and renew. On average, results last one to two years, and patients may repeat the O-Shot procedure every 18 months to sustain the treatment benefits.


FormaV delivers uniform radiofrequency (RF) heating to both internal vaginal tissue and external vulvar tissue. The RF energy heats the deep layers of these tissues to stimulate collagen and elastin production, tissue contraction and blood flow. FormaV also helps to improve hemorrhoids with just one treatment. The procedure is noninvasive, meaning it does not require surgery, incisions or anaesthesia.


Women interested in FormaV may be experiencing:

  • Loss of vaginal tissue elasticity
  • Dryness
  • Painful intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • Reduced sensation or pleasure
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Hemorrhoids

FormaV may not be suitable for individuals with specific medical conditions or under certain circumstances. Consultation with LaBeauty Medispa’s experienced professionals is essential to determine suitability.


No treatment is without the risk of side effects or complications. The potential adverse effects of FormaV include:

  • Swelling
  • Discomfort
  • Sensitivity
  • Infection
  • Burning
  • Scarring


Treatment sessions typically last around 30 minutes. The FormaV device, a small wand-like instrument, is rotated and moved over the internal and external treatment areas while it emits radiofrequency energy. Clients generally do not find the treatment painful, often describing the feeling as a warm sensation. The treatment wand is lubricated with a small amount of gel prior to the start of the procedure to maintain patient comfort.


Following a FormaV session, there is typically little to no downtime. Some sensitivity or discomfort is normal after the procedure, but these effects are typically mild and short-lived. Some patients may experience cramping or light spotting. If these effects are severe or last longer than 24 hours, contact our clinic.

While most activities can be resumed almost immediately, it's advisable to avoid sexual intercourse for about two days while healing. The LaBeauty Medispa Gold Coast team will provide any necessary personalised guidance for post-treatment restrictions and aftercare.


Results with FormaV develop gradually over several weeks to months as collagen and elastin production increase. Depending on individual concerns and goals, a series of FormaV sessions may be recommended. We offer single sessions as well as packages of 3 or 6 treatments. To maintain your results, you may choose to have periodic maintenance treatments after completing your initial series.

The Consultation Experience

We deeply understand the sensitivity and personal nature of women's intimate health concerns. This is why we emphasise the necessity of a thorough and empathetic consultation before undergoing any procedure. Our goal during these consultations is not just to plan the treatment, but also to build a foundation of trust and understanding.

Consultations are conducted in a private, respectful setting where you can speak freely and confidentially about your symptoms and wishes. Your provider will conduct a comprehensive assessment and explain the available treatment options in detail. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have about the procedures, potential risks, recovery time and anything else you might be curious or concerned about. We want you to have all the information needed to make informed, confident decisions.

Your Intimate Health Matters — Request Your Consultation Today

At LaBeauty Medispa Gold Coast, we are focused on providing a comfortable and dignified treatment experience. Our women’s health treatments are conducted with the utmost care and professionalism, ensuring you feel supported and relaxed throughout your treatment.

To learn more about our treatment options for women’s intimate health, schedule a consultation through our online booking system or call (07) 5639 6370 to speak with a member of our team.




Morpheus8 treatment can improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and stretch marks. Results are visible after just one treatment and continue to improve over time.


A variety of non-invasive facial treatments that help improve skin texture, tone, and overall appearance. Hydrafacials can reduce fine lines, correct sun damage and provide deep cleaning  for oil prone skin.


MiniFX is a non-invasive cellulite treatment utilising radio-frequency energy to enhance blood circulation and distribute heat to targeted areas of the body, including the face, neck, arms, and knees.

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